Elementary School (1-4)

What We Offer

Our elementary school students focus on bilingual language and quantitative competencies, the arts, experimental science, and physical education. In the elementary school years, we emphasize German fluency and the acquisition of a wide-ranging vocabulary by providing roughly eighty percent of weekly instruction in German. At the same time, children benefit from an exceptional project-based and literature-rich English-language curriculum.

Elementary school subjects are German, English, mathematics, nature and society, ethics, art, music, and physical education.

Program Highlights

At EBGIS the foundation for individualized and self-directed learning is laid during the first years. From second grade onward, every day starts with individual learning time in which students manage their own learning tasks, complete ongoing projects, and work collaboratively with their peers. With the help of an individualized learning plan and with their teachers' guidance, students learn at their own pace and take responsibility for their own learning.

In addition, teachers host a weekly workshop (Studio) to present students with cross-disciplinary projects in mixed-age groups, sometimes with the participation of outside experts.

Students also regularly participate in a Klassenrat (class council) session in which students moderate and discuss class and school topics. Teachers apply the Faustlos curriculum to their own observations of in-class dynamics to support students’ social and emotional learning.

While we offer a rigorous dual-language program starting in preschool, we also welcome new students of all ages who are beginning speakers of German and/or English. New students receive support in German as a Second Language (DAZ) and/or English as a Second Language (ESL). These students benefit greatly from our small class sizes and differentiated instruction.

Program Hours

The school day starts at 8:30, with a drop-off window beginning at 8:00 to provide flexibility for working families. Students have six 45-minute classes per day with one or two teachers per class, depending on the subject. A twenty-minute morning snack and recess (Frühstückspause) and a forty-minute lunch and recess period take place after the second and fourth periods. During these breaks, children play outside on our expansive campus except in inclement weather, when they play in the auditorium. The school day ends at 2:00 pm with afternoon club and a variety of extracurricular activities available until 6:00 pm.



Course Briefs 2023-2024

Klasse 1/Grade 1

Klasse 2/Grade 2

Klasse 3/Grade 3

Klasse 4/Grade 4