General Forms
Please complete required annual enrollment forms and permissions in the Ravenna Student Portal. If required, please scan and uploade a copy of the Health Examination Report form available for download below.
To complete your enrollment forms:
- Start by logging into the Ravenna Student Portal.
- Go to the Parent Tab in the portal. You will see the Parent Tab at the top portion of the screen. Click on this tab to view it.
- You will see related tabs on the left side. Click on Enrollment Forms.
- A list of outstanding Enrollment Forms will appear.
- Click Fill out Form for the form you want to start filling out. Take note that you may have more than one form depending on the number of students you have.
- Click the Claim button to start the form.
- When filling out a form that is sent to both guardians, only the first guardian to access it will be able to claim the form. This ensures that no duplicate or inconsistent information will be entered. If you are the guardian that has not claimed the form you will still be able to view the form from the Requests for Information table.
- You are now ready to fill out the form. Each page title of this form will appear at the top of form. The page you are on will be highlighted in green. As you advance, the pages you have completed will be highlighted in blue.
- Each page may require you to fill out and/or approve that certain information is correct. You will be prompted with an error message identifying the required information that was not completed. We have also included instructions on certain pages to help guide you through this process.
- You may use the action buttons at the top or bottom of the screen to save progress, advance pages, or save and back out of the form.
- When you have completed a page click on Save progress and go to next step to advance to the next page.
- Once you have completed each page and have advanced to the last page you will have the option to review and complete the form.
- On the last screen, you will be required to provide an eSignature and to check the box "I verify that the information in this form is accurate and up to date."
- Once you have finished this step, click on Complete to finish this form. Once you have completed the form you will be taken to a screen where you will have the option to review or download the form.
- Click the Claim button to start the form.
- You have now completed your Request for Information! You will be able to download your form at any time in the future by returning to the Request for Information tab.